What We Do

TIERF’s goal is to create a permanent fund that can efficiently and consistently be used to lend emergency assistance to earthquake-ravaged regions in Italy. In addition, TIERF seeks to provide permanent and ongoing support to Italian earthquake victims.

Since its founding in 2016, TIERF has already raised more than $1.6 million. The Canadian government has matched TIERF's contributions, resulting in $3.2 million to support Italian earthquake relief. 

Mobile Telehealth Clinics


TIERF has purchased two Mobile Telehealth clinics at a cost of approximately $1.2 million. The units will provide state-of-the-art medical assistance not usually accessible at disaster sites. Each unit will be staffed with a doctor and nurse and include a live satellite link connecting to local hospitals and specialized medical clinics, including the world-famous Gemelli Hospital in Rome

These vehicles will provide citizens in hard-hit areas with essential medical support. Many of those who will benefit are seniors - for them, immediate medical attention can mean the difference between life and death.

Partnering with Science for Life

TIERF has partnered with the Science for Life Foundation, a charitable organization under the patronage of the Vatican devoted to bringing healthcare research and action to the people who need it most.

Science for Life will own and deploy the Mobile Telehealth Clinics wherever disaster strikes in Italy. Members of the Italian-Canadian community had the pleasure of showing the mobile units to His Holiness, Pope Francis, who congratulated the group and toured and blessed the units.

$2 Million Support from the Federal Government


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau toured the devastation left by the earthquake in Central Italy and was moved to pledge support from the Federal Government. The significant support that will flow to the TIERF is the matching of any funds raised, up to a maximum of $2 million dollars. Thanks to the generosity of the Italian community so far, we are well on our way to being able to collect those matching funds and putting them to good use to assist our brothers and sisters in Italy. Our heartfelt thanks to the Prime Minister and his government.

View Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Message

Financial Transparency

TIERF is committed to keeping its overhead low and its impact high, so that each dollar we raise can go as far as possible in helping earthquake victims in dire need.

We are grateful for the funds our donors provide and committed to operating in a manner that’s both responsible and accountable.